“Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.” Here lies your Peace

“Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”

I believe a person’s relationship to their Higher Self, to the Divine, is the most powerful way to assist in allowing the self to become whole. This is not about religion, and which ever pathway to God that you have will lead to the same place – peace, love and truth. True spirituality is beyond any one single belief. My approach is in helping the individual come to recognise their own personal connection with their Inner Divinity and Inner Guidance.

“Self” or “self”?

Remembering Who You Really Are

A Course in Miracles teaches us that the essence of our being is Love. Yet, over time, beginning in our early childhood experiences and meaning making of our observations growing up, we lose touch with this truth, creating a false self, driven by fear, shame, and the need for validation. This “small self”, otherwise known as our “ego” shapes our identity and choices, leading to feelings of emptiness, anxiety, or a lack of purpose. Conversely, by reconnecting with our True Nature, we can begin to step into a life of joy, purpose, and peace, that is our birthright.

In your every experience, the truth of your being remains unchanged: you are Love, Oneness, and Infinite Potential. By releasing the illusions of separation from your Source, and embracing your true self, you rediscover the joy and peace that have always been yours.

The Truth of Who You Are

The ego-self, or the small “s” self, is a construct of limiting beliefs and false narratives. Some common core beliefs of the ego are:

       I’m not enough

       I’m bad

       I’m worthless

       I’m powerless

       I’m alone

       I’m invisible/I’m nothing

       I’m not important

       I’m not loveable or loved

       I’m not safe

       I’m different

       I’m a failure

By contrast, your Higher Self—the capitalised “S” Self—is your eternal, unchanging essence. This Self is connected to everyone and everything, reflecting the Oneness of existence. Mystical traditions across cultures describe this Self as the pure, indestructible essence of love, beyond the ego’s illusions.

The Healing Within

At the core of true healing is the realization that our thoughts and attitudes of our small “self” or “ego”, not external circumstances, are what truly hurt us. The purpose of my work is in assisting others to learn to recognise the limiting voice of ego and align instead with their wise and whole Higher Self, through a simple, yet powerful 6 step process of healing.

There’s a healer inside each of us—a part of us capable of uncovering the love, joy, and peace that are always present, anytime we choose to be aware of it. Our true self gently waits until we are ready. The 6 step process that I use with clients, involves identifying and removing the internal barriers to love, created by these false beliefs about ourselves. These beliefs, formed in childhood, shape our experiences and behaviours, leading to cycles of suffering. By uncovering and challenging these beliefs, we can break free from patterns of self-sabotage and rediscover our true nature.

Love as the Essence of Being

Love originates from your Higher Self, while fear stems from the ego. By observing your thoughts and gently redirecting those that do not serve you, you begin to align more closely with love. Over time, this practice transforms your life experience, returning you to a state of happiness, which is your natural state.